Call and response

“There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls.”

― Howard Thurman

I am a dancer. For so long as I have breath in my body, I must dance. Today, I would like to share with you the music and movement that affirms my soul.

Mufasa is my favorite dancer on this planet right now. I’ve read someone describe her as a storyteller, and I agree – I also see great integrity in the way she treats others in the scene. What I respond to most deeply to is a quality of transparency in her work. I have, of course, never met her, and am only going off the footage I’ve seen, but what I feel is that she genuinely loves what she does. And as my sensei has told me, human beings enjoy seeing others follow their bliss.

When I see Mufasa dance, I see a soul shining its light without shame. I see skill honed through practice, I see a gift being given to others with delight. I see honesty. When I see Mufasa dance, I want to do what I came here to do.



Reflecting on Maya Angelou and Yuri Kochiyama’s transition to ancestors, on the newborn in my family —

Responsibility. It is my responsibility to do everything in my power, in the time I have been given, with everything I have, to do what I came to this planet to do. I am never going to be perfect, and I still have a responsibility to risk, act, show up, try, fail, make amends, transform, and keep choosing life, until Spirit decides otherwise.

Generations. I am no longer a child, and I have work to do in this world for those who will follow. What can I do to improve my own character and be of maximum service to others while I am alive?

Interdependence. What do I need to do to be in right relationship with all my fellows, human, plant and animal? With land, air and water? What in me needs to change? What in me can support others? What do I need to let go of? What do I need to accept?

The means and the end. I have been bitter, terrified, dishonest, inconsiderate, and mean. I have made serious mistakes in ignorance and arrogance. I have been proud and dogmatic, superstitious and suspicious. I have burnt out, bailed out, and been kicked out of activist and community organizing efforts. I ran on pride, and what I got was chaos, I ran on hate, and what I did was harm. What I know today is that I cannot work for justice unless I am coming from an all-encompassing, unconditional, fearless love greater than my understanding.

“Because love is an act of courage, not of fear, love is commitment to
others. No matter where the oppressed are found, the act of love is
commitment to their cause – the cause of liberation… As an act of
bravery, love cannot be sentimental; as an act of freedom, it must not
serve as a pretext for manipulation. It must generate other acts of
freedom, otherwise, it is not love.” – Paulo Freire

“Revolution begins with the self, in the self. It may be lonely. Certainly
painful. It’ll take time. We’ve got time. That of course is an unpopular
utterance these days. We’d better take the time to fashion revolutionary
selves, revolutionary lives, revolutionary relationships. If your house
ain’t in order, you ain’t in order. It is so much easier to be out there
than right here. The revolution ain’t out there. Yet. But it is here.

~ Toni Cade Bambara

“On the Issue of Roles” in The Black Woman Anthology (pp. 133-135)