Superstition versus faith

As a lifelong spiritual seeker, I continually make mistakes and learn from them. One of the lessons I continue to learn is that of humility.

I used to think of the spirit world similar to fantasy books and movies. Deities were like Santa Claus and fairy godmothers who would give me what I wanted. If I bought the right crystal, I could make something happen. I now see these ideas as egotistical, juvenile and misguided. As I searched for the pre-Christian spiritual traditions of my ancestors, I was working with some serious misconceptions.

I was angry about the role of Christianity in Western imperial expansion and I longed to know how my ancient ancestors understood themselves in relation to the divine. (I now have a deep respect and appreciation for progressive Christianity and the social gospel as a positive force for justice.) However, I felt very lost and afraid until I found spiritual elders who continue to correct my ego and help me grow.

I write this post because I am not the only millenial who craves ancestral spiritual wisdom. Today, I feel the need to “write back” to my younger self and explain that human beings cannot control or direct the divine for our own ends. We can ask respectfully for guidance and support, which Spirit (as each person understands it) may lend if we are in integrity. Instead of trying to manipulate the spirit world to achieve my objectives, it is better for me to humbly seek personal growth and knowledge of the ways I can help make the world a better place for all living beings. When I do that, blessings flow to me and help me to benefit others. Any selfish agenda backfires.

As a practitioner of pre-Christian spiritual traditions with strong ritual practices, I believe it is important to emphasize the distinction between superstition and faith. Although I burn incense before my ancestral altar, my primary spiritual focus is on developing good character and being of service to the rest of the cosmos. It is better to share my food with someone hungry than to pile offerings to the heavens in hopes of manifesting abundance.

Peace be with you today and always.